Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Fierce Knight Staunton Chess Set in Red Sandalwood & Boxwood - 4" King

Fierce Knight Staunton Chess Set in Red Sandalwood & Boxwood - 4" King Review

Our Fierce Knight Staunton chess set is a blend of contemporary and traditional Staunton design featuring knights that are carved with realistic features. The perked ears, eyes, mouth, and mane create a fierce looking countenance that gives this set its name. The pieces have an elegant profile that is carefully turned to perfection on every piece and the red sandalwood and boxwood are hand polished to a rich sheen. The pieces have green billiard cloth pads for a soft feel on the chess board and are heavily weighted for exceptional stability. Both collectors and serious tournament players will appreciate the qualities of the Fierce Knight and will prove one of their favorite chess sets!


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